Library Services
We’re Open!
Current Hours
Monday – Friday 12-6 pm
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Library Newsletter: Check out our new items!
Masks Optional
They are highly encouraged, but not required. You are welcome inside with or without a mask, but please respect the choices of others should they choose to wear a mask or not. Masks are available inside if needed. Please do not forget to sanitize. Thank you!

New checkout Periods!
In the spirit of cooperation, the Wisconsin Valley Library System, which includes all public libraries in Clark, Taylor and Marathon Counties, are trying to make all check out times uniform. This means that a few of our check out periods will change.
New Books- 14 Days
Books- 21 Days
Audiobooks- 21 Days
DVD’s- 7 Days
Series DVDs- 14 Days
Music CDs- 14 Days
Magazines- 7 Days
Seed Library- Open now!
The Owen Library is starting a seed library! What’s a seed library? It’s a collection of donated and purchased seeds that our patrons can take and try out. This makes it easier for beginners to try gardening or for experienced gardeners to try something new. People will be limited to 5 seed packets total. We are accepting donations for vegetable, flower and herb seeds. The seed can be commercial (unopened or leftover packets) or clean, dry harvested seeds.